High blood pressure increases your chance or risk of
getting heart disease and or kidney disease, and having a stroke. It is especially
dangerous because it often has no warning signs or symptoms. Regardless of
race, age, or gender, anyone can develop high blood pressure. It is estimated
that one in every four American adults
has high blood pressure. Once high blood pressure develops, it usually lasts a
High blood pressure is the
most important risk factor for stroke. Very high Blood pressure can cause a
break in a weakened blood vessel, which then bleeds in the brain. This can
cause a stroke. High blood pressure can eventually cause blood vessels in the
eye to burst or bleed. Vision may become blurred or otherwise impaired and can
result in blindness.
As people get older,
arteries throughout the body hardened mainly in the heart, brain, and kidneys.
High blood pressure is associated with these stiffer arteries. This in turn
causes the heart and kidneys to work harder. The kidneys act as filters to rid
the body of wastes. Over time high blood pressure can narrow and thicken the
blood vessels of the kidneys. The kidneys filter less fluid, and waste builds
up in the blood. The kidneys may fail altogether.
High blood pressure is a
major risk factor for heart attack. The arteries bring oxygen-carrying blood to
the heart muscle. If the heart cannot get enough oxygen, chest pain, also known
as Angina can occur If the flow of blood
is block this then lead to Heart Attack. High blood pressure is the number one
risk factor for Congestive Heart Failure (CHF). CHF is a serious condition in
which the heart is unable to pump enough blood to supply the body’s needs.
The important nutrients needed by a person
suffering from high blood pressure are Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, and
Vitamin E. Moringa contains these entire nutrients in it. Moringa contains
Vitamin C helps support the body’s production of nitric oxide, which is
critical to normal functioning of blood vessels. The better your blood vessels
work, the lower your risk of hypertension. Calcium is needed for smooth muscle
relaxation and contraction; increased consumption can have a direct effect on
blood vessels. It’s best to get your calcium from your diet; study have found
that compared with supplements, dietary calcium has twice the benefits for
blood pressure.
Potassium content of the Moringa is 15 times more compared to Banana. This high potassium tends to lower the sodium content. Potassium is thought to act by increasing sodium excretion in the urine, which helps blood vessels dilate, and changing the interactions of hormones that affect blood pressure.
Diet high in magnesium
benefits those with hypertension, most likely by contributing to the relaxation
of the smooth muscles of the blood vessels. Moringa also contains magnesium
along with zinc and vitamin E which takes part in decreasing the blood pressure
along with other nutrients.
How Does Moringa Treats Heart Disease

The Medical Herbalist recognizes moringa sustains
cardiovascular system. As a group they are known as cardiac remedies. This is a
general term for herbs that have an action on the heart. Some of the remedies
in this group are powerful cardio-active agents such as Foxglove, while others
are gentler and safer cardiac tonics such as Hawthorn Crataegus spp. and Linden
Flowers Tilia spp
Before exploring the therapeutic possibilities of this range
of cardiac remedies, a brief excursion into some relevant pharmacology is
appropriate. An understanding of current ideas about the chemical basis of
phyto therapeutic activity is by no means essential for the herbalist, but is
presented here for those students with an interest in phyto pharmacology
Medical text-books often refer to cardiovascular action or
cardio tonic action, without specifying the particular type of activity. Below
is a list of the mechanisms of pharmacological action and the characteristic
actions of compounds of plant origin. Some classes of substances, like the
cardiac glycosides, the Sympathomimetics or the b-blockers, appear several
times as they exert several different types of activity on the heart
In the strictly technical sense of the pharmacological term
cardio tonic, it is synonymous with positive inotropic. However, cardio tonic
is also used to indicate an increase in frequency, an increase in the beat
volume, or a general increase in cardiac performance, in addition to increased
contraction. In the phyto therapeutic literature slightly different terms are
used. The two groupings that prove most useful in clinical practice are:
Cardio active ~ plants that owe their effects on the heart
to cardiac glycosides or other very active substances, thus having the both the
strengths and drawbacks of these constituents.
Cardio tonic ~ plants that have an observably beneficial action on the heart and blood vessels but do not contain cardiac glycosides. How they work is either completely obscure or an area of pharmacological debate. The research reviewed below offers some insights.
Cardio tonic ~ plants that have an observably beneficial action on the heart and blood vessels but do not contain cardiac glycosides. How they work is either completely obscure or an area of pharmacological debate. The research reviewed below offers some insights.
Moringa Is used to
treat patient with blood Purpurea and central nervous system circulation
problems were successfully treated, as were patients suffering from anti-coagulating
problems and varicose veins.
Moringa anthocyanosides were used to treat 124 cases of arterial and venous problems and 10 cases of capillary fragility. The results were generally very satisfactory.
Investigation of its effects in cases of hyper-permeability of the capillaries, indicated a restoration of ionic balance to blood vessel walls and eliminated the protein .
How Does Moringa Treats High Cholesterol
The Moringa oleifera plant has long been used in the
Ayurvedic medical tradition of India to combat cardiovascular ailments and
obesity-related issues. These treatments have proven effective in many cases,
but it is only in recent years that the medical establishment has begun to
investigate the scientific basis for these beneficial effects. A number of
medical studies have shown marked reductions in the levels of bad cholesterol
present in the bloodstream of laboratory test animals Cholesterol is a
necessary element in building and repairing cells within the body
. There
are two basic types of cholesterol. Low-density and high-density lipoproteins,
known as LDLs and HDLs respectively, play very different roles in maintaining
physical health. HDLs help to eliminate fatty deposits from the bloodstream,
enhancing cardiovascular health and promoting healthy veins and arteries. These
forms of cholesterol are typically denser and more compact than their
low-density counterparts. LDLs are better known as bad cholesterol and have
nearly the opposite effect on the body, causing lipid deposits to form in blood
vessels and contributing to heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular
diseases. White blood cells in the bloodstream attack LDL build up, causing inflammation
and worsening blockages caused by this form of cholesterol
Elevated levels of bad cholesterol in the body are
associated with an increased risk of Atherosclerosis and Arteriosclerotic
vascular disease as well as Cardiovascular disease. Additionally, LDLs have
been implicated in certain immune system deficiencies, making them a
significant threat to health and wellness. Controlling the level of LDLs in the
blood and circulatory system is crucial to extending life and improving overall
physical condition, especially in largely sedentary or overweight individuals
Increased intake of LDLs results in higher levels in the
bloodstream. However, medical studies show that 80% of cholesterol results from
production within the body itself, primarily within the liver during the
breakdown of food. While maintaining a healthy, low-fat diet is helpful in
reducing cholesterol, dietary changes alone are usually not sufficient to
manage bad cholesterol levels effectively
A study published in the Journal of Etho pharmacology in
2000 showed a significant reduction in the levels of bad cholesterol in
laboratory rats when Moringa supplements were added to their normal daily diet.
This was true in rats fed a high-fat diet as well as a standard diet; the Moringa
leaves reduced cholesterol levels overall. The control groups were also fed
normal and high-fat diets and exhibited no such reductions in LDLs present in
blood serum, further confirming the significant effect moringa supplements can
produce. These results offer concrete evidence for claims made by Ayurvedic
medical personnel for centuries that moringa leaves offer measurable protection
against the build up of bad cholesterol in the blood
The evidence that moringa leaf supplements can combat high
cholesterol is overwhelming. By incorporating these natural supplements into a
healthy daily dietary plan, individuals can protect themselves against the
effects of high cholesterol levels more effectively even in the absence of
other major lifestyle changes.
How Does Moringa Treat Diabetes
Diabetic mellitus is a syndrome characterized by
disordered metabolism and abnormally high blood sugar (hyperglycaemia)
resulting from insufficient levels of the hormone insulin.
The characteristic symptoms polyuria, polydipsia,
glucoseuria, unexplained weight loss, and lethargy. There are two types of
diabetes, diabetes I and diabetics II.
Diabetes may also be
known as Insulin dependent diabetes where insulin therapy is needed as the beta
cells cant synthesis insulin. Diabetes II may refer to as Insulin non dependent
diabetics as insulin is produced by the body but in lower amount or it becomes
insensitive to act on glucose. It is possible for us to treat diabetes II
through proper dieting, medication and regular exercise. The food which is
ingested is converted to glucose for the cell function
Glucose cannot enter the cells alone. It needs assistance
from insulin in order to penetrate the cell walls. Insulin therefore acts as a
regulator of glucose metabolism in the body. If insulin is lacking or it
becomes insensitive it will lead to diabetes
Untreated diabetes will lead to complications such as
retinopathy, neuropathy, nephropathy, cardiovascular problems etc. Most of the
people suffering from diabetes were unaware of the disease, when they
recognized the disorder it becomes more complicated. A great way to get all of
the important nutrients you need is to eat a diet high in raw fruits and
vegetables, or to supplement the gaps in your diet with products that contain
all of the necessary vitamins and minerals your body needs to function
The nutritional density and diversity of Moringa has deemed
it the "Miracle Tree" or nature’s most nutritious food. The nutrients
in this miracle from nature have been reported to treat over 300 different
diseases and disorders of the body.
Moringa leaves have 4 times more Beta-Carotene than that of
carrots, 17 times more calcium than that of milk and 25 times more iron than
that of Spinach. Moringa Leaves and pods contain 90+ nutrients and 46
Moringa leaves have more antioxidants than the green leaves.
Moringa contains all the essential nutrients needed for the biochemical
reaction to perform regularly. Researchers in London recently reported that
vitamin D is essential for the islet cells in the pancreas to be able to
secrete insulin properly.
The studies have shown that individuals with the lowest
vitamin D levels experienced the worst blood sugar-handling problems and had a
greater risk of developing diabetes. Moringa as a rich source of ascorbic acid
helps in insulin secretion. It is interesting to note that certain nutrients
like vitamins B1, B2, B12, pantothenic acid, vitamin C, protein and potassium -
along with small frequent meals containing some carbohydrate - can actually
stimulate production of insulin within the body. Vitamin A as an antioxidant
helps convert beta-carotene efficiently, which reduces the risk of blindness in
diabetics. Vitamin B 12 supplementation has been used successfully to treat
diabetic neuropathy. High dose supplements of vitamin C have been shown to
prevent sorbitol accumulation and glycosylation of proteins, both of which are
important factors in the development of diabetic complications such as
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Yes yes & yes many cancers & like diseases like HIV/AIDS, HSV/HERPES, and many organ related diseases are cured this days with herbal remedies & more herbal treatments are being discovered all the time. More anticancer & antiviral herbal drugs are in clinical trials this days than ever before and promising herbalist like Dr Utu all thanks to him. I do hear of many people he has helped cured their diseases using African natural Herbs & Roots. I'm Paul G. From Australia a father of four which include 3 girls and a boy. My boss is more than a father to me, he assist my family even financially. He completely lost himself when he was diagnosed of kidney stone & to make matter worst he started noticing his first outbreak. Ever since his kidney stone issues, he keep having herpes outbreak on any little fever. He's my boss and the only way I can pay him is to help his situation. At first I doubted Dr Utu, but in a case of life & death as this am left with only a choice. I contacted Dr Utu to give him a try. He sent herbal meds to my boss that completely flushed out the stone in his kidney. He completely cured my boss of kidney stone and herpes virus using African herbs. I also prescribed this herbal cure for a colleague with HIV and he was completely cured. Dr Utu is health future. Through me Dr Utu have completely cured; herpes, hiv, cancers, kidney stone. I think it pays to be good because you never know who might pay you back in future. So my knowledge on this is what I share. For the sick, trying herbal meds will tell you the different. Reach Dr Utu on his email; drutuherbalcure@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteIt took almost one year for my first real outbreak but it was the hardest thing in the world to get along with. I felt so unwanted and dirty. I tried many formulas, suggestions, methods to get rid of it permanently. Booked appointment with many doctors, professionals, even religiously until I started getting away spiritually and still it won't go. The worst is my outbreaks occurs within short period and take as long as even weeks to go away. I was at last placed on antiviral treatment which is a good treatment but for how long? I prayed every four times a day for God to cure me miraculously or direct me to cure because I know there is. During outbreaks I thought it's the end of the world but it's not, with time I will become normal again. I started trying fruits and herbs, take herbal produced, and with time became very interested in herbs. I read blogs, websites, and comments on herbs and built a stronger hope. I saw comments and decided to try Dr Utu African Traditional Herbal meds. I know of one mr Brown who was HIV and now brags he was cured of HIV with Dr Utu traditional meds but never give it a thought because I believed HIV already has a cure and never think it through or make a research. And for herpes my doctor told me that there is no known cure. When I saw testimonies of his Herpes cure on sites. I copied his contact drutuherbalcure@gmail.com. I showed it to brown who confirmed it was Dr Utu contact. I contacted him immediately and he also prepared and sent me herbal herpes meds through DHL. Right after getting this traditional meds I followed the prescription cautiously and withing days I started noticing rapid change and I know within me it's the cure. I used it for up to two weeks and when my test result was out not only did this herbal meds cure me but boost my immune and I feel real and free. Dr Utu African Traditional meds have successfully cured Herpes, Warts, HIV, Cancers, Kidney Stone, Asthma, most importantly this traditional meds boost immune and have no after effect.
ReplyDeleteIt took almost one year for my first real outbreak but it was the hardest thing in the world to get along with. I felt so unwanted and dirty. I tried many formulas, suggestions, methods to get rid of it permanently. Booked appointment with many doctors, professionals, even religiously until I started getting away spiritually and still it won't go. The worst is my outbreaks occurs within short period and take as long as even weeks to go away. I was at last placed on antiviral treatment which is a good treatment but for how long? I prayed every four times a day for God to cure me miraculously or direct me to cure because I know there is. During outbreaks I thought it's the end of the world but it's not, with time I will become normal again. I started trying fruits and herbs, take herbal produced, and with time became very interested in herbs. I read blogs, websites, and comments on herbs and built a stronger hope. I saw comments and decided to try Dr Utu African Traditional Herbal meds. I know of one mr Brown who was HIV and now brags he was cured of HIV with Dr Utu traditional meds but never give it a thought because I believed HIV already has a cure and never think it through or make a research. And for herpes my doctor told me that there is no known cure. When I saw testimonies of his Herpes cure on sites. I copied his contact drutuherbalcure@gmail.com. I showed it to brown who confirmed it was Dr Utu contact. I contacted him immediately and he also prepared and sent me herbal herpes meds through DHL. Right after getting this traditional meds I followed the prescription cautiously and withing days I started noticing rapid change and I know within me it's the cure. I used it for up to two weeks and when my test result was out not only did this herbal meds cure me but boost my immune and I feel real and free. Dr Utu African Traditional meds have successfully cured Herpes, Warts, HIV, Cancers, Kidney Stone, Asthma, most importantly this traditional meds boost immune and have no after effect.
My boyfriend and I met three years ago on herpes dating site so we discovered we are +ve from the beginning of our relationship, that we both had genital herpes. My first outbreak was the ABSOLUTE worst experience, I was so sick. We suffered for one year plus, had constant outbreaks and then finally we decided to both respectively take Dr Utu African Traditional Herbs as advised by friends. His herb is Not much bitter or sour taste.
ReplyDeleteDosage two times daily every day for four weeks, and honest to goodness it was a miraculous herbs. We were on it for not more than two weeks when we noticed total change. 'couldn't wait for four weeks. It was third week and five days we used the herbs. Then we went for test and was already hsv2 negative, the both of us. Neither of us have had any lesion, outbreak or symptoms till date.
For traditional and permanent hsv cure, Dr Utu is the key. Contact him on drutuherbalcure@gmail.com or direct WhatsApp or phone +2347032718477
Herpes Finally Gone, thanks to Dr. Utu for his Herbal Treatment.
ReplyDeleteI had a sudden onset of cold sores and a new one was appearing each day. I was on primary immunosuppressant I noticed my body just can't fight the virus on its own. After five days of treatment and no success I suspected herpes I went for test and it was confirmed. God was my strength I met a doctor for treatment. He gave me Dr Utu's contact. I contacted him immediately, This medication was far amazing that within 24-48 hrs the blisters were crusting over. The swelling and redness was decreasing as well. I was on four weeks herpes medication which I completed before going for test. I went for herpes test and then again back to my doctor who confirmed me herpes negative it was really like a dream. What a relief! Feel Free to contact Dr Utu Email:- drutuherbalcure@gmail.com OR WhatsApp :- +2347032718477
I will recommend Dr Utu super herbal cure to herpes patients because it helped me get rid of genital herpes two years ago and it's best in curing herpes without after effect.
ReplyDeleteIf you or a loved one is struggling, don't hesitate to reach out and connect;
I'm Susan, I'm from Florida United States.
ReplyDeleteI dedicated this to my Beloved Daughter Kaila who helped me get the cure for my CANCER. And Specially to Dr. Odey Abang the Herbalist directly for his interest to handle my situation even when I was told I could not be cured. It's a long story to court and pains being of such a Danger of CANCER, for 4months Glory be to God🤦
It was Cancer Stage 4, and ended up, though I had serious problems with my feet, inability to take in solid food or medicals for my cures. Has God directed my daughter not knowing he had cured her from HERPES of which I never thought he could cured for CANCER, You need to be free and not die of IGNORANCE. HERBAL MEDICINE from a reliable Herbalist stans to be the best remedies for cures. I had known Dr. Odey Abang over 3 years now on he's cures for Herpes Simplex Viruse and HIV/AIDS.
I could testify to you now that he had successfully cures HIV/AIDS, Diabetes HPV HSV Cancer and much more of all infections and bacteria diseases
Contact him and desist from those Virus
Always and every time I appreciate and recommend Dr Odey Abang for his good work in saving lives.
His email address directed
Feel blessed and happy day's 😇😇😇
I think this is an informative post and it is very useful and knowledgeable. therefore, I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this article.
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Yes!!! Herpes is curable like wise other viruses. My outbreak came out of Herpes past two years as of 19/05/2018. I was scared when phamatical therepist told me i could not be cured permanently. I was frustrated, have to limit my traveling to where i was expected. HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUSE, and other common viruses like the HIV/AIDS, Diabetes, CANCER,etc,are real and dangerous if not well taken care of. Though, i suffered alots and i have to stay home mostly and with the current pandemic, i became interested with Natural Herbs Products. As God could make his ways, i found a beautiful girl,who testimony touches me how she has had suffered with CANCER for 7years, and another who testify how the same Herbalist Dr. Odey Abang Cures all those viruses with his Herbal medicine.
ReplyDeleteI had to contact him directly to wellbeing some parcel through the DHL service, within a week a received the medicine sent and apply as instructed for the period of 40days, twice a day, the reaction tells me i found the Dr. Whom need to be known for his good work. God bless you Dr Odey for another opportunity to be Fresh
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Hello everyone my name samuel i am from USA any doctor that tell you that there is no cure for herpes tell him/her that is a lie because i am a living testimony, herpes can be cured because it truly has a complete cure. I’m a living witness of it because I recently got rid of my HSV VIRUS within just two weeks. And as I speak right now! I’m perfectly cured from the herpes disease. There is a cure and it's called herbal medicine. I'm so glad to have come in contact with a Herbalist dr ABOLO who is also known as the two weeks healer of herpes virus. Doctor ABOLO got me cured completely from my long time genital herpes (HSV VIRUS) with the help of his powerful and effective herbal medication which I took for only two weeks, and I got a good result being cured from the herpes disease. If you are out there diagnosed or suffering from the herpes virus you can reach out to Herbal doctor ABOLO for help in getting rid of your herpes virus forever just the way he helped me got rid of mine; His email address is draboloherbalhome@gmail.com or for his quick response to you, you can reach him on WhatsApp with +2347044725611 The medical industry/Big Pharmacies make huge profits of treatments and modern drugs/medicines that can't even get the herpes virus cured. That's why they don't want you to know the cure. Aaron Traywick had a cure for HIV and herpes and he turned up dead like a week later, even Nipsey Hussell was murdered along with Lisa Left Eye Lopes by the US Government simply because these people were doing a research on how Dr Sebi makes herb for the cure to herpes virus and HIV. The Doctor Sebi in question was also killed by the US Government just because he was having the cure to herpes and HIV. Don't you find that fishy? please help yourself and contact him he cure different kins disease such as HIV,HEPATITIS,CRE,FLU,RABIES,WEST NILE VIRUS,ZIKA,PERTUSSIS,SHIGELLOSIS,ZIKA,ETC ANY DEADLY VIRUSES I KNOW THANT BHE CAN HELP YOU OUT, PLEASE HELP YOURSELF AND CONTACT HIM ALL HOPE IS NOT LOSE, and i make a promise to him that i will keep sharing the good thing he did for me because i know what i have through all these years and i know there are thousands of people out there that are suffering from the same disease please don't hesitate to contact him
ReplyDeleteI have been suffering from Herpes for the past 3 years and 8 months, and ever since then i have been taking series of treatment but there was no improvement until i came across testimonies of Dr.Aba on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then i contacted him as well. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which i took according to his instructions. When i was done taking the herbal medicine i went for a medical checkup and to my greatest surprise i was cured from Herpes. My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from Herpes or any other disease you can contact Dr.Aba today on this Email address: dr.abaherbalhome@gmail.com or WhatsApp him on this Tell.Number +2348107155060
ReplyDeleteI panicked when I saw the first sore. The medicines couldn't heal the sores completely, my whole life I was entirely desperate. Till I found the natural permanent cure for herpes through Nze Njoku Herbal Home, I felt like I was born-again. You can get rid of herpes from now on, too
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I got help for my diabetes type 2 from DR.DUDU a herbal doctor from Africa, I wanted this cure since a year and 3 months, i was taken treatment from some doctor, few Months back i came on the net to see if i will be able to get any information for a permanent cure, on my search i saw various testimony of people who was helped by a great man called Dr ODUDU and without any hesitation, i contacted his email: dr.oduduherbalhome@gmail.com , i wrote him and and he guided me, i asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for me and indeed in 3 weeks and few days after i started using the medicine, i was completely happy as it worked for me. You can contact him now for your medicine to cure your diabetes if you sicking for a permanent cure for it, contact his Email; dr.oduduherbalhome@gmail.com his cell phone contact, Call / Whats-app +2348101571054 https://www.facebook.com/DR.ODUDU
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Moringa, a nutrient-rich plant native to South Asia, is gaining attention for its potential in managing high blood pressure. Godaddy Coupon Code Packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, moringa leaves.
ReplyDeleteMoringa is a fantastic natural remedy for high blood pressure! I found high-quality moringa supplements at my local Organic Store. Incorporating them into my daily routine has made a noticeable difference in my blood pressure levels. It's wonderful to have access to such effective and organic solutions for health issues.