How Does Moringa Treat Chikungunya

The virus is passed to humans
by two species of mosquito of the genus Aedes A Albopictus better know as the
Asian Tiger Mosquito and the Ades Egypti . Animal reservoirs of the virus include
monkeys, birds, cattle, and rodents. This
is in contrast to Dengue for which only primates are hosts.
The Incubation period of Chikungunya disease ranges from two to twelve days
typically three to seven. Between 72 and 97% of those infected will develop
symptoms. Symptoms include sudden onset sometimes biphasic fever typically lasting
from a few days to a week, sometimes up to ten days, usually above 39 °C
(102 °F) and sometimes reaching 41 °C (104 °F), and strong joint
pain or stiffness usually lasting weeks or months but sometimes lasting years. Rash usually maculopapular, muscle pain caused by Inflammation of the Joints,
headache, fatigue, nausea or vomiting may also be present Inflammation of the eyes may present
as Iridocyclitis, or Uveitis and retinal
lesions may occur.
Typically, the fever lasts for
two days and then ends abruptly. However, headache, insomia and an
extreme degree of prostration last for a variable period, usually about five to
seven days
In most cases, inflammation is
the body’s response to another process rather than a disease or illness in its
own right. Inflammation is a result of the body’s own natural immune response
and is usually caused by the increased presence of plasma and white blood cells
in the affected area. This response involves the vascular systems as well as
the autoimmune response and is a necessary part of the healing process, but can
cause serious problems when the inflammation become chronic or is extreme in
its duration or extent. Inflammation is usually categorized as either acute or
chronic and treatment for the condition is dependent in part on the cause of
the inflammation and its acute or chronic status
In Some The Poorest Region in
Africa Moringa was and is still used to
Treat and Cure the Chikungunya Disease. Moringa contains 39 Inflammatory and
Antibiotics 46 Antioxidants and lot of Vitamins Minerals Protein and Amino Acids to boost the immune
system to fight of Infection Diseases
and Illnesses
The moringa plant is well known
for its therapeutic effects in both modern medicine and traditional practice.
Formally known as Moringa oleifera, this versatile and nutritious plant is
currently the subject of intense scrutiny by the medical establishment to
determine its utility in treating and preventing a variety of diseases. One of
the most promising uses for Moringa extract is in the treatment of various
types of acute and chronic inflammation. A 1996 research study published in
Pharmaceutical Biology demonstrated the anti-inflammatory properties of Moringa
extract in the treatment of both acute and chronic forms of inflammation. The Moringa
extract was ingested by laboratory rats as a treatment for both edema and
carrageenan-induced inflammation; while the results for the acute inflammation
were markedly better than those obtained for the chronic variety, both types of
inflammation were significantly reduced by the treatments in the course of the
study. Side effects were minimal due to the exceptionally low toxicity of Moringa
even at high dosage
Moringa extract supplements have been shown to reduce the level
of inflammation in laboratory animals in both chronic and acute cases. Further
studies are currently underway to assess the effectiveness of this treatment,
but it can be safely assumed that a regular regimen of moringa supplements may
produce safe, reliable reductions in inflammation for most individuals with
chronic inflammatory diseases. Research found that the Moringa leaves
contains substances that have antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities,
in fact they found that it has high quantities of this substances. This means
that Moringa Oleifera use in Indian traditional medicine as a treatment of
ailments, particularly those related to pain and inflammation was just.
The effects of the Moringa is suppressing the COX-2enzyme. This
enzyme is responsible for inflammation processes and pain. Usually the drugs
used to suppress this enzyme are NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs),such as Voltaren, Nksin, Adoil, ARCOXIA, Kaspo etc. The side effects of
these products include risk for stroke, kidney problems, blood vessels
problems, stomach problems and the list goes on. Combine the risks from the
side effects with the existing condition causing the need to take the NSAID and
the the presence of pain combined with an inflammatory issue, and the risk for
medical complication grows
A study was conducted to test the Anti-Inflammatory activity of
Moringa Oleifera based on 46 antioxidants and 36 anti-inflammatory compounds
that all naturally are present in the Moringa plant.
The results showed that the crude extract of the dried Moringa
seed, roots, and leaves each effectively reduced edema and demonstrated its
powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
Anti-Inflammatory Compounds:
Vitamin A, Vitamin B1 (Thiamin), Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Arginine, Beta-sitosterol, Caffeoylquinic Acid, Calcium, Chlorophyll, Copper, Cystine, Omega 3, Omega 6, Omega 9, Fiber, Glutathione, Histidine, Indole Acetic Acid, Indoleacetonitrile, Isoleucine, Kaempferal, Leucine, Magnesium, Oleic-Acid, Phenylalanine, Potassium, Quercetin, Rutin, Selenium, Stigmasterol, Sulfur, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Zeatin, Zinc
Vitamin A, Vitamin B1 (Thiamin), Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Arginine, Beta-sitosterol, Caffeoylquinic Acid, Calcium, Chlorophyll, Copper, Cystine, Omega 3, Omega 6, Omega 9, Fiber, Glutathione, Histidine, Indole Acetic Acid, Indoleacetonitrile, Isoleucine, Kaempferal, Leucine, Magnesium, Oleic-Acid, Phenylalanine, Potassium, Quercetin, Rutin, Selenium, Stigmasterol, Sulfur, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Zeatin, Zinc
Anti-Oxidant Compounds:
Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin B (Choline), Vitamin B1 (Thiamin), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin B6, Alanine, Alpha-Carotene, Arginine, Beta-Carotene, Beta-sitosterol, Caffeoylquinic Acid, Campesterol, Carotenoids, Chlorophyll, Chromium, Delta-5-Avenasterol, Delta-7-Avenasterol, Glutathione, Histidine, Indole Acetic Acid, Indoleacetonitril Kaempferal, Leucine, Lutein, Methionine, Myristic-Acid, Palmitic-Acid, Prolamine, Proline, Quercetin, Rutin,Selenium, Threonine, Tryptophan, Xanthins, Xanthophyll, Zeatin, Zeaxanthin, Zinc
Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin B (Choline), Vitamin B1 (Thiamin), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin B6, Alanine, Alpha-Carotene, Arginine, Beta-Carotene, Beta-sitosterol, Caffeoylquinic Acid, Campesterol, Carotenoids, Chlorophyll, Chromium, Delta-5-Avenasterol, Delta-7-Avenasterol, Glutathione, Histidine, Indole Acetic Acid, Indoleacetonitril Kaempferal, Leucine, Lutein, Methionine, Myristic-Acid, Palmitic-Acid, Prolamine, Proline, Quercetin, Rutin,Selenium, Threonine, Tryptophan, Xanthins, Xanthophyll, Zeatin, Zeaxanthin, Zinc
There is no vaccine or drug to prevent or treat chikungunya.
The only way to prevent chikungunya is to avoid
mosquito bites. Aedes mosquitoes bite during the day particularly around dawn
and dusk as opposed to mosquitoes that transmit malaria, which bite at night
between dusk and dawn
A good repellent containing N, N-diethylmetatoluamide
DEET must be used on exposed skin, together with light cover-up clothing. If sunscreen
is also being used, repellent must be applied after sunscreen. More information
about insect bite avoidance is available from NaTHNaC
In endemic areas, control programs rely on the
elimination of mosquito breeding sites in the community by regular inspections
and insecticide spraying of properties (particularly during an outbreak) and
the education of local residents to regularly empty standing water and keep
outside areas free from waste items in which water may collect.
How Does Moringa Treat and Prevent Alzeheimer
The Moringa Oleifera plant is
highly regarded by dieticians and medical researchers and practitioners due to
its superior nutritional content and numerous medical applications. The
antioxidant properties of the Moringa plant have been well established by
previous medical studies and are believed to provide protection against the
effects of free radicals that can cause aging and other negative health effects.
Recent studies suggest that Moringa leaves can also provide protection against
the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and may even delay its onset
A form of dementia, Alzheimer’s
disease is believed to have a genetic component but can strike even those with
no family history of the disease. Most cases of Alzheimer’s occur in
individuals over 65 years of age, but the disease can strike much earlier in
cases of early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. As in other types of dementia, the
patient experiences confusion, loss of normal brain function, unpredictable or
aggressive tendencies and a gradual deterioration of the mental capacities.
This degeneration of the nervous system eventually leads to death. While the
exact causes of Alzheimer’s disease are not well understood, research studies
seem to indicate that the disease is related to the build-up of fibrous protein
compounds within the brain known as amyloids. These amyloids present within the
brain as plaques or neurofibrillary tangles and are thought to disrupt the
normal functioning of neural impulses within the brain.
Because there is no known cure
for Alzheimer’s disease, most treatments focus on delaying the progress of the
disease and alleviating symptoms. Natural treatments including medical
marijuana have produced impressive results in preventing continued
degeneration. Other treatments focus on improving the emotional state of the
patient and controlling any aggressive or violent tendencies that may occur due
to the deteriorating mental condition
Lifestyle changes are often
recommended in order to help delay or prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.
These include smoking cessation strategies, reduction of alcohol consumption
and, especially, a reduction in fat intake. It is in the latter area that Moringa
leaves have been shown to be most useful in delaying or preventing Alzheimer’s
in vulnerable individuals. A study published in the Annals of Neurosciences in
2005 showed a significant improvement in brain function in rats whose diets
were supplemented by Moringa leaves prior to their exposure to colchicine, a
substance that mimics the action of Alzheimer’s in the brain.
Despite the
presence of this substance, rats retained much of their cognitive abilities and
navigated a previously-completed maze far more accurately and quickly than the
control group. These results were attributed to the antioxidant properties of Moringa
leaves, which served to scavenge free radicals from the system and to protect
neural function
Moringa leaves appear to delay
or mitigate the effects of Alzheimer’s disease in laboratory rats due to the
supplement’s antioxidant effects. The research indicates that Moringa
supplements may lessen the impact of Alzheimer’s in individuals already
suffering from the disease and may delay or prevent its onset in those who are
at risk of developing this devastating illness. By incorporating Moringa leaf supplements
into daily dietary plans, it is likely that most individuals can improve their
chances of avoiding the worst effects of Alzheimer’s disease for themselves and
their families.